Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

burnt heart
burnt heart,
originally uploaded by Rich G..
Valentine's Day is a day for lovers in my mind. When I was little it was for boyfriends and girlfriends; husbands and wives. But, in school everybody had to give everybody a valentine, which is cool I guess. Otherwise I'd have never gotten one from the cute red-headed girl. (Yes, that's a Charlie Brown reference. It's also a reference to Melissa, my aching heart throb from 3rd grade and then 6th and 7th grade. She was dreaaamy. *sigh*. I also blame her for my fascination with Reba.)

Now it's been diluted to where it's a day for everybody who loves anybody... even friends and family. That to me is a little skeevy at times. I mean my room mate's mom is great and all, and I've known her for twenty years and we're super close... but we're NOT Valentine's day gift exchange close in my mind. *shudder* No offense Pam.

All that being said. In the spirit of the evolved season. I'd like to wish all of you who read this, some of you who are family members, a Happy Valentine's Day in a non-skeevy way. I mean it in the way I mean it every day. I hope you live well, love well, and have a really great day where those who love you treat you great and remind you how much they love you. There's no need for a day for that. I want all of you to have that happen to you every day! Oh, and I want it for me too. *grin* Spread it around.

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